Welcome! Please complete the information below to join the Dogwood Grove HOA. Price: $60 for access until 12/31/2025 First Name:* First Name Required Last Name:* Last Name Required Would you like AUTOMATIC RENEWAL of your membership each year beginning 1/1/2026, using the card currently on file?:* Would you like AUTOMATIC RENEWAL of your membership each year beginning 1/1/2026, using the card currently on file? is Required YES. Sign me Up! No thanks. I'll handle my own payments each year. Street Address:* Street Address is Required City, State: City, State is not valid Zip Code: Zip Code is not valid Daytime Phone: Daytime Phone is not valid Spouse/Partner Name: Spouse/Partner Name is not valid Spouse/Partner Email: Spouse/Partner Email is not valid Spouse/Partner Phone: Spouse/Partner Phone is not valid Others Living in Household (Names, Ages): Others Living in Household (Names, Ages) is not valid Are you interested in serving the HOA in some capacity?: Are you interested in serving the HOA in some capacity? is not valid Yes, please contact me Email:* Invalid Email Password:* Invalid Password Password Confirmation:* Password Confirmation Doesn't Match Password Strength Password must be "Medium" or stronger Select Payment Method Pay with Credit Card Pay by Check Pay by Venmo Javascript is disabled in your browser. You will not be able to complete your purchase until you either enable JavaScript in your browser, or switch to a browser that supports it. Mail check payable to "DGHA" to P.O. Box 381761, Germantown, TN 38183-1761 OR drop the check in the collection box by the front door of 9605 Gotten Way Pay your $60 Annual Fee to our Venmo account: @Dgha-Gtown No val Please fix the errors above